Урок 9 - Lesson Nine
Have (иметь)
Подлежащее + has/have
Единственное Множественное
I have We have
You have You have
He has They have
She has
It has
write by hand

Глагол Have обычно используется для обозначения собственности и описания, но также очень популярен как замена глаголов eat (есть) и drink (пить).

I have a new car.

I have time to go to the movies.

She has cereal and coffee for breakfast every morning.

Have также является важным вспомогательным глаголом:

I have lived in Minnesota for three years.

В этом примере, (have) + (причастие прошедшего времени) получается the present perfect tense (настоящее совершенное время)

I have glasses. teacher drinking coffee
You have sunglasses. Jow Thailand USA
He has a gun. gangster with gun
She has a tricycle. small girl on tricycle
The cake has a lot of fruit on top of it. cake with fruit
We have time to learn English.
teacher drinking coffee
Jow Thailand USA
They have a hamburger and french fries. Couple in restaurant
All three children have popsicles. children eating popcicles

Have - Present Tense negative
(настоящее время, отрицательное, в сокращенной форме )

Единственное Множественное
I don't have... We don't have...
You don't have... You don't have...
He doesn't have... They don't have...
She doesn't have...
It doesn't have...

Примечание: при образовании «have» отрицательной формы настоящего времени, используйте don't или doesn't + have.

Правильно: He doesn't have any money.
I don't have any money.

Неправильно: He hasn't any money.
(но в Британском английском используется)

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