Первый уровень - тест #7 - Предлоги

Part A.

Вставьте в пропущенные места подходящие предлоги.

1. The students walked ________ the classroom.

2. I had to make a stop ________ New York last night.

3. The class starts __________ 7:30 in the morning.

4. The cat jumped __________ the fence.

5. Sit __________.

6. I need to go ________ the store.

7. Do you want to go _______ a walk?

8. Chicago is __________ seven hours from here.

9. The plane is leaving _______ ten minutes.

10. The young man climbed __________ the window.

11. Airplanes fly __________ the ground.

12. Subway trains travel __________ the ground.

13. Earthworms live __________ the ground.

14. I am standing _______ the ground.

15. Did you finish your work ______ time?

16. Can I borrow your pencil _________ a minute?

17. I woke up ________ 5:30 this morning.

18. We haven't been there __________ last year.

19. I have lived in Minnesota ________ many years.

20. I'll be there ________ an hour.

Ответы (Answers): 1. into; 2. in; 3. at; 4. on (or over); 5. down; 6. to; 7. for; 8. about (or almost); 9. in; 10. through; 11. above; 12. under; 13. in; 14. on; 15. in; 16. for; 17. at; 18. since; 19. for; 20 in

Part B.

Вставьте пропущенные предлоги.

1. Don't bother me. I'm _______ a hurry.

2. Two cars crashed _________ each other.

3. She has been absent _________ class.

4. I'll get ______ touch ______ you later.

5. It's not good ____ me to eat food high ____ cholesterol.

6. Please turn ______ the lights _____ the living room.

7. The letter "B" comes _________ "A" and "C."

8. I fell _______ love with her.

9. What's wrong ________ my cell phone?

10. Do you want to go ______ bus or ______ car?

11. Please fill _______ each blank carefully on the quiz.

12. Mary loves to listen ______ music _____ the radio.

13. He's very sick. They're taking things day ______ day.

14. My wife doesn't agree ________ me very often.

15. The U.S. will elect a new President _____ November.

16. Would you like to sit here ________ me?

17. He's leaning __________ the wall.

18. The car _________ me is following too closely!

19. Minneapolis is northwest ________ Chicago.

20. The Twin Cities are _________ the Mississippi River.

Ответы (Answers): 1. in; 2. into; 3. from; 4. in / with; 5. to / in; 6. on /in; 7. between; 8. in; 9. with; 10. by / by; 11. in; 12. to / on; 13. by; 14. with; 15. in; 16. by (or with); 17. against; 18. behind; 19. of; 20. on

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