Первый уровень - тест #4 - Настоящее время

Part A.

Завершите каждое предложение, вставив в пропущенные места глагол в правильной форме настоящего времени.

1. She _______ to school three times a week. (go)

2. My father ________ at that restaurant. (work)

3. I _______ English during the week. (study)

4. We ______ some time to go to the store. (have)

5. My car _______ a new set of tires. (have)

6. John _______ his shopping on the weekend. (do)

7. They _______ at that table everyday. (sit)

8. A plumber _______ leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

9. You always ______ me good advice. (give)

10. They ______ very good students. (be)

Part B.

Сделайте каждое предложение отрицательным.

1. She __________ __________to school. (go)

2. My father _______ ________at that restaurant. (work)

3. I _______ _________English during the week. (study)

4. We _____ ________ any time to go to the store. (have)

5. My car _______ _________a new set of tires. (have)

6. John ______ _____his shopping on the weekend. (do)

7. They _______ ________ at that table everyday. (sit)

8. A teacher _______ ______leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

9. You never _________ me good advice. (give)

10. They ________ very good students. (be)

Part C.

Спрягайте глагол "have" в настоящем времени (5 пунктов)

Единственное Множественное


Спрягайте глагол "have" в отрицательной форме настоящего времени (5 пунктов)

Единственное Множественное

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