Первый уровень - тест #4 - Настоящее время (Ответы - Answers)

Part A.

Завершите каждое предложение, вставив в пропущенные места глагол в правильной форме настоящего времени.

1. She goes to school three times a week. (go)

2. My father works at that restaurant. (work)

3. I study English during the week. (study)

4. We have some time to go to the store. (have)

5. My car has a new set of tires. (have)

6. John does his shopping on the weekend. (do)

7. They sit at that table everyday. (sit)

8. A plumber fixes leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

9. You always give me good advice. (give)

10. They are very good students. (be)

Part B.

Сделайте каждое предложение отрицательным.

1. She doesn't go to school. (go)

2. My father doesn't work at that restaurant. (work)

3. I don't study English during the week. (study)

4. We don't have any time to go to the store. (have)

5. My car doesn't have a new set of tires. (have)

6. John doesn't do his shopping on the weekend. (do)

7. They don't sit at that table everyday. (sit)

8. A teacher doesn't fix leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

9. You never give me good advice. (give)

10. They aren't very good students. (be)

Part C.

Спрягайте глагол "have" в настоящем времени (5 пунктов)

Единственное Множественное

I have

You have

He has

She has

It has

We have

You have

They have


Спрягайте глагол "have" в отрицательной форме настоящего времени (5 пунктов)

Единственное Множественное

I don't have

You don't have

He doesn't have

She doesn't have

It doesn't have

We don't have

You don't have

They don't have

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