The joys of motoring - Приятные стороны езды на легковой машине

Jane and Robert are taking Barbara, their Polish friend, for a ride in Robert's car.

Jane: Ouch, Robert! Can't you drive a bit more carefully? You nearly had us through the roof1 that time.

Robert: I'm sorry about the bumps. According to the map this is supposed to be an A road,2 but it can't have been repaired3 for goodness knows how long.4

Jane: Poor Barbara's been given such a shaking5 that she's incapable of saying anything.

Barbara: I'm quite all right. I'm enjoying the ride.

Jane: Are you sure it's just the road, Robert? Perhaps the tires need pumping up.

Robert: They were all checked this morning at the garage. Oh, dash it! Sorry. I think I had better have a look at them. Maybe we have got a flat6 (the car stops and all get out).

Jane: Look Robert, this tyre's definitely flat. It must be a puncture.

Robert: I suppose it'll have to be changed. Well, here goes.7 It looked so easy when the man at the garage did it. I just hope I'll manage.

Barbara: In Poland I was told all Englishmen were very handy at odd jobs and repairs.

Robert: I only hope you won't be disillusioned. Jane, you'd better give me a hand8 with the jack.

Jane: Oh, I think I'd better attend to the lunch,9 Robert. I wasn't brought up to crawl under cars.

Robert: Well, all I can say is that your education has been sadly neglected.10 As usual I'm to be left to deal with all the unpleasant jobs, I suppose. You might at least give me a drink.

Jane: Where's the beer?

Robert: I think it was packed in the boot.

Jane: I'll get it out in a minute. How are you getting on with the wheel?

Robert: All in good time,11 all in good time! Rome wasn't built in a day,12 you know. I thought I was to be given some beer.

Jane: Oh, Robert, something terrible's happened. The bottle wasn't closed properly and all the beer's run out. You'll have to have tea.

Robert: Tea! That's not a man's drink!

Barbara: Tea is said to be a very good stimulant. Much better for drivers than alcohol.

Robert: I suppose there's nothing for it.13 Fancy being reduced to drinking tea14 at a picnic! There, that's the wheel back on.15 Let's be off.16 (Robert starts the car). Strange, it doesn't seem to be any better. There must be something radically wrong. I'll have to get out and have another look. (Robert stops the car and gets out). Oh, dash it. The spare tyre must have had a puncture as well.

Jane: You simply forgot to pump it up, Robert.

Robert: Well, so I did.17

Примечание: используйте сноски при открытой вкладке ПОЯСНЕНИЯ


Предложения, записанные на пластинку, иллюстрируют употребление страдательного залога в английском языке:

     This is supposed to be an A road.
     It can't have been repaired for goodness knows how long.
     This tyre will have to be changed.
     Give me a hand, Jane.
     I wasn't brought up to crawl under cars.
     Your education has been sadly neglected.
     How are you getting on with the wheel?


1 You nearly had us through the roof едва не выбили крышу головами (машина так подпрыгнула на ухабе)
2 this is supposed to be an A road это должна быть дорога категории А (т.е. главная дорога)
3 it can't have been repaired её не ремонтировали
4 goodness knows how long бог знает, как долго
5 Barbara's been given such a shaking Барбару так растрясло
6 Maybe we have got a flat может у нас шина „спустила”.
7 Well, here goes. Посмотрим, что из этого получится.
8 give me a hand = help me
9 I'd better attend to the lunch я лучше займусь приготовлением второго завтрака (или ланча)
10 sadly neglected страшно запущенные
11 All in good time всё в своё время, здесь: не спеша, медленно
12 Rome wasn't built in a day. Рим построили не в один день.
13 there's nothing for it тут ничем не поможешь.
14 Fancy being reduced to drinking tea подумать только, что человек вынужден пить чай
15 There that's the wheel back on. Ну, колесо уже поменяли.
16 Let's be off. Поехали!
17 so I did правда, забыл.


Страдательный залог

1. Страдательный залог в английском языке употребляется чаще, чем в русском. Он выражается сочетанием вспомогательного глагола to be с Past Participle (причастие прошедшего времени).

     The tyres were checked this morning.
     Шины были проверены сегодня утром.

Английской пассивной конструкции в русском языке соответствуют:

1) Сочетание глагола быть (в прошедшем и будущем времени) + краткая форма причастия страдательного залога. Глагол-связка быть в настоящем времени в русском языке не употребляется.

2) Глагол с окончанием на -ся.

3) Неопределенно-личная форма, т.е. без подлежащего.
Несколько примеров из сценки:

     The beer was packed in the boot.
     Пиво было положено в багажник.
     The bottle wasn't closed properly.
     Бутылку неправильно закрыли.
     Your education has been sadly neglected.
     На твоё воспитание не обращали внимания.
     Rome wasn't built in a day.
     Рим не в один день построили.

2. В английском языке инфинитив также может иметь форму страдательного залога:

     The tyre will have to be changed.
     Нужно сменить шину.
to be changed — досл. значит „быть смененным”
     I am to be left to deal with all the unpleasant jobs.
     Мне придется заняться всеми этими неприятными делами.

3. В русском языке после некоторых глаголов может быть два дополнения: так называемое прямое дополнение, отвечающее на вопрос кого? что?, и косвенное дополнение, отвечающее на вопрос кому? чему?

Например: Друзья подарили мне этот прекрасный подарок на именины. (Мне — косвенное дополнение, этот прекрасный подарок — прямое дополнение). Если поставить это предложение в страдательном залоге, то, как правило, прямое дополнение нужно сделать подлежащим предложения в страдательном залоге:

     Этот прекрасный подарок был подарен мне на именины моими друзьями.

В английском языке не только прямое, но и косвенное дополнение может быть подлежащим предложения в страдательном залоге.

Действительный залог: They told me the news. (прямое дополнение — the news; косвенное дополнение — me).

Страдательный залог: I was told the news. Это предложение переводится на русский язык: Мне сообщили новость. Примеры такого типа из сценки:

     In Poland I was told all Englishmen were very handy at odd jobs and repairs.
     В Польше мне говорили, что англичане очень искусны в мелких домашних работах и починках.
     I thought I was to be given some beer.
     Я думал, что мне дадут немного пива.

4. Обратите внимание на предложение:

     Tea is said to be a very good stimulant.
     Говорят, что чай является очень хорошим возбуждающим средством.

Это особый случай использования страдательного залога. Данная конструкция употребляется с такими глаголами, как: say, consider, suppose, feel, believe.

Ещё пример из сценки:

     This is supposed to be an A road.
     Считается, что это дорога категории А.

Смотрите: Страдательный (пассивный) залог (The passive voice).

Идиоматическое выражение had better

Выражение had better + инфинитив без частицы to переводится на русский язык условным предложением: будет лучше, если... или сочетанием слова лучше с глаголом в повелительном наклонении. Глагол had часто употребляется в сокращенной форме 'd. Примеры:

     I had better have a look at them.
     Будет лучше, если я их осмотрю.
     You'd better give me a hand with the jack.
     Лучше помоги мне поднять домкратом.
     I think I'd better attend to the lunch.
     Думаю, будет лучше, если я займусь вторым завтраком.


I. Глагол в скобках поставьте в страдательном залоге в Present Perfect по образцу первого предложения:
1. The road (repair). The road has been repaired.
2. All the tyres (check).
3. This tyre (pump) up.
4. The matter (pass) to a subcommittee.
5. Your education (neglect), Jane.
6. These Polish students (invite) by the National Union of Students.
7. The waste ground (turn) into a playground.
8. A new tank (install).

II. Инфинитив поставьте в страдательном залоге, как это сделано в первом предложении:
1. This tyre is flat: it'll have to be pumped up.
2. This road is in a shocking state: it'll have to  . . .
3. These rhododendrons are very ugly: they'll have to  . . .
4. The tickets for the boat will have to  . . .  in advance.
5. This waste ground will have to  . . .  into a playground.
6. The matter will have to . . .  a subcommittee.
7. The leak in the tank will have to  . . .
8. All the arrangements will have to  . . .  through Jane's agency.

III.В следующих предложениях вставьте причастиеtoldилиgiven:
1. Barbara: I have been  . . .  that it always rains in England.
2. Jane: Barbara has been  . . .  a bad shaking
3. Robert: I have been  . . .  this is an A road.
4. Jim and Maggie were  . . .  a reward for finding the Persian kitten.
5. Mrs. Jones was  . . .  to apply for a job at the canteen.
6. Mrs. Grainger was  . . .  that the Council's decision was final.

Ответы к упражнениям

Упражнение I.
1. The road has been repaired.
2. All the tyres have been checked.
3. This tyre has been pumped up.
4. The matter has been passed to a subcommittee.
5. Your education has been neglected, Jane.
6. These Polish students have been invited by the National Union of Students.
7. The waste ground has been turned into a playground.
8. A new tank has been installed.

Упражнение II.
1. This tyre is flat. It'll have to be pumped up.
2. This road is in a shocking state: it'll have to be repaired.
3. These rhododendrons are very ugly: they'll have to be dug up.
4. The tickets for the boat will have to be booked in advance.
5. This waste ground will have to be turned into a playground.
6. The matter will have to be passed to a subcommittee.
7. The leak in the tank will have to be stopped.
8. All the arrangements will have to be made through Jane's agency.

Упражнение III.
1. I have been told that it always rains in England.
2. Barbara has been given a bad shaking.
3. I have been told this is an A road.
4. Jim and Maggie were given a reward for finding the Persian kitten.
5. Mrs. Jones was told to apply for a job at the canteen.
6. Mrs. Grainger was told that the Council's decision was final.

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Словарь курса: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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